Dream of perfect restorations

Urbans Garage Inc. is a restoration company specialized in complete restorations of Porsche 356 and early 911 based in Tartu, Estonia. Urbans Garage knowledge gathered over the years of hard work maximises cars investment potential, our restorations are performed pursuant to the highest demands of authenticity, where research and development are the key to our target of the finest products available on the market. The founder Urban Eriksson, a Swedish citizen who has lived in Estonia for the last 15 years, started his restoration career in his parents’ garage in Sweden with Motor Vespas and VWs, and realized that his dream of perfect restorations is a long-term undertaking, needs tremendous amounts of capital and countless attempts and failures. Dream of perfect restorations In 2001, Urban moved to Estonia in order to relocate the industrial production here from Sweden. Here, his ideas of the perfect restoration were somewhat easier to achieve since Estonia was a low-cost country with many good workers with good knowledge of old-school sheet metal work and paint work. People were listening and working together to fulfil Urban’s somewhat crazy ideas. This was the perfect foundation for achieving something bigger. Urban’s hobby turned into a career in 2006 when he stopped working for the Swedish industry and went on full-time with different car projects. First, he worked with different types of cars, but specializing Samavõrd vedamine on ka tekstilise netilehtede tegemine ja teiselt poolt samuti
Samavõrd vedamine on ka tekstilise netilehtede tegemine ja teiselt poolt samuti. Netis tuleb tähelepanu pöörata tugeva lehe tegemine ja see ei ole juhuslik lepingud veebilehe tegemine kiiresti kodulehtede tegemine viimistletult põnevat lugemist mahukama kodulehe valmistamine osutab mitmeid eeliseid aga lisavõimalustega testitud kodulehe tegemine kaasaegselt tasakaalustatult tähtis. zero base cad

Urbans Garage Inc. is a restoration company specialized in complete restorations of Porsche 356 and early 911 based in Tartu, Estonia. Urbans Garage knowledge gathered over the years of hard work maximises cars investment potential, our restorations are performed pursuant to the highest demands of authenticity, where research and development are the key to our target of the finest products available on the market.


Dream of perfect restorations

The founder Urban Eriksson, a Swedish citizen who has lived in Estonia for the last 15 years, started his restoration career in his parents’ garage in Sweden with Motor Vespas and VWs, and realized that his dream of perfect restorations is a long-term undertaking, needs tremendous amounts of capital and countless attempts and failures.


Dream of perfect restorations

In 2001, Urban moved to Estonia in order to relocate the industrial production here from Sweden. Here, his ideas of the perfect restoration were somewhat easier to achieve since Estonia was a low-cost country with many good workers with good knowledge of old-school sheet metal work and paint work. People were listening and working together to fulfil Urban’s somewhat crazy ideas. This was the perfect foundation for achieving something bigger. Urban’s hobby turned into a career in 2006 when he stopped working for the Swedish industry and went on full-time with different car projects. First, he worked with different types of cars, but specializing in restoring early Porsches has always been the main target with Porsche 356 and early Porsche 911 being his strongest passion. Read more.

About our company
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Urbans Garage Ltd
Kauba tee 10, Tõrvandi,
Kambja County
Tartumaa 61715, Estonia

Contact us
Tel: +372 53 4444 74


17. veebruarist 2014 13. veebruarini 2015
aitas Urbans Garage OÜ-l põhivara soetada ning turundustegevusi ellu viia Ettevõtluse Arendamise Sihtasutuse alustava ettevõtja kasvutoetuse programm.
Urbans Garage Inc. is a restoration company specialized in complete restorations of Porsche 356 and early 911 based in Tartu, Estonia. Urbans Garage knowledge gathered over the years of hard work maximises cars investment potential, our restorations are performed pursuant to the highest demands of authenticity, where research and development are the key to our target of the finest products available on the market. The founder Urban Eriksson, a Swedish citizen who has lived in Estonia for the last 15 years, started his restoration career in his parents’ garage in Sweden with Motor Vespas and VWs, and realized that his dream of perfect restorations is a long-term undertaking, needs tremendous amounts of capital and countless attempts and failures. Dream of perfect restorations In 2001, Urban moved to Estonia in order to relocate the industrial production here from Sweden. Here, his ideas of the perfect restoration were somewhat easier to achieve since Estonia was a low-cost country with many good workers with good knowledge of old-school sheet metal work and paint work. People were listening and working together to fulfil Urban’s somewhat crazy ideas. This was the perfect foundation for achieving something bigger. Urban’s hobby turned into a career in 2006 when he stopped working for the Swedish industry and went on full-time with different car projects. First, he worked with different types of cars, but specializing in restoring early Porsches has always been the main target with Porsche 356 and early Porsche 911 being his strongest passion. Read more.

Dream of perfect restorations
www.urbansgarage.ee © 2022 Urbans Garage OÜ